FSi culture

Back to the Office: Team Building

by Jennette Lee In 2024, FSi implemented a new management structure that streamlines our decision-making process. I’m grateful to be a part of the management team and to have the trust of the company leadership. When we launched our hybrid work policy, I got a chance to show my trust in the other managing partners, Read More

FSi culture

Back to the Office: We’re Better Together

by Kevin Chadwick A few months ago, we implemented a new hybrid work policy, asking our staff to be in the office on Mondays and Tuesdays every week. After being remote for such a long time during the pandemic, I am grateful to be back in the company of my colleagues. There’s no replacement for Read More

FSi culture

Back to the Office: Looking Back as we Look Ahead

by Ola Jarvegren FSi has been through a lot of changes in the last few years. We weathered the pandemic, had the last of our original founders retire, added an electrical division, and changed the leadership structure of the company. We’ve promoted new principals and associates, moved associates up to more senior levels, and we’ve Read More

FSi culture

Ramadan: Fasting, Reflection, and Community Bonding

Culture and Traditions: Our Staff Share their Stories At FSi, we want our staff to feel comfortable bringing their whole selves to work. In light of this, we thought it would be inspiring to offer our staff the opportunity to share cultural traditions that are important to them and to their families. We’re kicking off Read More

FSi culture

National Cat Day

National Cat Day (October 29) is one of the 365 days every year when we should all celebrate cats. FSi is doing our part, featuring our own soft, sweet, purring, and sometimes cranky kitties. Mac & Cheese Mac (L) and Cheese (R) belong to Benjamin G. They are hellions twice a day, usually at 5 Read More

FSi culture

FSi and Spoil Your Dog Day 2023

The Very Good Dogs of FSi FSi knows all dogs are good dogs, but we are pretty sure that ours are the best! To celebrate National Spoil Your Dog day, we’re giving you a glimpse at our pups. You can tell these are some dearly beloved canines. You can read a little bit about them Read More

FSi culture


by Andy Langdon, Associate Principal. As a new Associate Principal, I’m happy to be a part of our gratitude series. When I started thinking about what I’m grateful for, it all seems to tie back to one of our company values; “We are Family.” When I first joined the leadership team as an Associate, one Read More

FSi culture


by Rick Himmel, Principal. Of all the seasons, fall is my favorite. It’s that time of year when we have a mix of warm summer days and crisp mornings that remind us that winter is just around the corner. And, of course, the fall leaves. While the colors of each season change from the wild Read More

FSi culture


by Rob Danforth, Principal. I’ve been with FSi since it’s infancy, and now retirement is one of those objects that “may be closer than they appear.” This seems like a perfect time to reflect on my gratitude for the experience of building and growing a successful company. A long time ago, I worked with an Read More

FSi culture


by Ben Roush, Principal. The hardest part of writing this was choosing a single thing to focus on. I have so much to be grateful for at FSi. As I look back on my career and the careers of my colleagues, one of the things that stands out is opportunity. I think it really stems Read More

FSi culture


by Ola Jarvegren, Principal. I love the practice of gratitude and counting my blessings. I particularly enjoy it during November, as everyone is talking about what they are grateful for in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. I am happy to kick off FSi’s month of gratitude, where every week you’ll hear from one of Read More


How COVID-19 is changing, and NOT changing, the way we work.

On March 6, 2020, FSi Engineers began an experiment in self, company, and community care; we all began working from home. We are striving to make sure we are the same company you’ve always known, with impeccable design and exemplary relationships with our clients. A vendor who provides COVID-19 training to HR Managers around the Read More

FSi culture

Just in Time

The Just™ label is not a certification or a goal, it is an on-going process of self-evaluation under the guidance of the International Living Future Institute. FSi has completed our first round of this process and we are happy to report that our performance is very much in alignment with our values. As we explored Read More

FSi culture

A Place to Be: Building Community to End Homelessness with The BLOCK Project

My foot catches on an uneven bit of sidewalk, and I fly head-first towards the pavement. I hang flailing in the air for what seems like an eternity – then land hard on my hands and elbows and knees. Before I can even brush myself off, strangers appear out of nowhere, sincerely concerned, asking if Read More


Yes in my Backyard! Yes in my Workplace!

Robert is a generous, smart, funny man who has worked all his life – and who has been homeless for more than a decade. He has lived primarily in a dormitory-style shelters, sleeping in rooms with more than 100 other men at close quarters. Last week, Robert moved into a home of his own. His Read More

All-electric energy codes go statewide

The 2021 Washington State and Seattle energy codes take effect soon. For the first time, all-electric systems are required statewide.

A Space to Learn Wine

Check out our work on the WSU Wine Science Center!

A Cafeteria for the Earth

The new cafeteria at Green Lake Elementary features state-of-the-art sustainable design.